
M.A.T.A. is the best, sweetest and most heartful group of people within the faculty. Of course, right now you have little reason to believe me. But let me paint you a picture: it’s a school night, 18:30. You walk into a friend’s living room, the smell of good food fills your nose. There is some friendly bickering going on, people are laughing. You get served a plate of this delicious food – that perfectly matches your unnecessarily complicated dietary restrictions, of course. Afterwards, ‘The Evening’ starts. What does such an evening consist of, you wonder? Well, I’ll tell you. During a usual evening, one of us gives a little talk on a topic of our choosing. This can be truly anything, ranging from extra-terrestrial lifeforms to Winnie the Pooh, so feel free to browse through your dusty mental archives of absurd but interesting topics. Afterwards, we discuss the matter and much much more, all while enjoying a drink and some (exotic) snacks. There are a bunch more aspects to our evenings, some of which are traditions as old as the dawn of time, but to find out about these secrecies I guess you’ll just have to join and see for yourself. Apart from our regular evenings we also organise other activities like borrels, fieldtrips, camps, game nights, or truly anything you’d like to do with M.A.T.A.

Why do we do all this? The name we carry with pride, M.A.T.A, stands for ‘Never Contradict Truth’, in proper Greek. By discussing a wide range of (sometimes strange) topics and not leaving a stone unturned, we hope to find the truth, or some vague glistening glimpse of it at the very least. Maybe some day we’ll get there, and otherwise the evenings we spend together will not be any less fun and rewarding 😉

Gotten curious? Or perhaps even envious of everyone already involved with this beautiful dispuut of truly amazing people? Come join an open evening sometime, and I promise they will steal your heart and win you over the very moment you step through the front door! <3

If you have any questions, you can always reach out to us at dispuutmata@gmail.com, or via +31 6 16015456. See you soon at M.A.T.A!

Vivat, Crescat, Floreat,
Vivat M.A.T.A!

[@] dispuutmata@gmail.com