Confidential advisors

The confidential advisors (CAs) are ambassadors of a safe environment and the general well-being of members within the association. The CAs are present for all members should they wish to talk to someone confidentially. All members, including those of the AB, KasCo and Board, can come to the confidential advisors with any issues, ranging from study problems to negative experiences during activities or general worries about the ambience within the association. All information will stay between the CAs and the member unless the member explicitly allows the advisors to act upon their conversation.

If you wish to reach the CAs, you can do so by sending an email to
If you prefer to communicate your issue to only one of the confidential advisors, you can use the email of this particular advisor (listed below).

For the academic year 2024-2025, the confidential advisors are:

Austin Brewin

Meike Numeijer